How to Yoni Steam

How to Yoni Steam

Below we provide the step-by-step of how to yoni steam once you receive your herbs. To purchase organic yoni steaming herbs, click here. To read about the benefits & precautions of yoni steaming, click here.

While there are many physical benefits of yoni steaming, I particularly enjoy yoni steaming for the energetic benefits, and because it is pleasurable! It feels soothing & grounding to steam, and it is a powerful way to cleanse the energetic space of the womb. Below we have included some intentions you may wish to set for your yoni steaming experience for added benefit.

1) Bring 2 cups of water to boil (or more, as some will evaporate)

2) Add 3 tbsp of herbs to the bowl you intend to sit overtop of (the bowl should be wide-lipped and thus comfortable enough to kneel/squat over while being able to rest your weight fully on it for 15+ minutes)

3) Pour ~2 cups of the boiling water over the herbs, then COVER the bowl (with a lid, plate, etc.) so that the water can cool slightly, but that the volatile oils from the herbs won’t evaporate into the steam just yet.

4) Set an intention for your steam.

Examples: to release the energy of past lovers, to become a clear creative vessel, to access your womb’s wisdom; etc.

5) After waiting a few minutes so that the water isn’t SO hot that the steam burns you, you can kneel over the bowl (we recommend wearing a skirt, dress, or wrapping your waist in a towel so that it can drape over & around your legs)

6) Adjust yourself over the bowl so that you can feel the steam rising & warming your yoni.

7) Steam for ~20 minutes. We suggest doing a guided womb healing meditation (like the one offered in Viva La Vagina), or simply bring your awareness to your breath & womb while visualizing your intention.

8) Lay down or else be sure to move slowly after your steam to allow yourself some time to integrate the physical, emotional, mental, & energetic shifts that may have occurred.

Return to viewing our organic yoni steaming herbal blends here. Read more about the benefits & precautions of yoni steaming here.